
Upcoming Events

No events available.
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
June 30, no eventsJuly 01, no eventsJuly 02, no eventsJuly 03, no eventsJuly 04, no eventsJuly 05, no eventsJuly 06, no events
July 07, no eventsJuly 08, no eventsJuly 09, no eventsJuly 10, no eventsJuly 11, no eventsJuly 12, no eventsJuly 13, no events
July 14, no eventsJuly 15, no eventsJuly 16, no eventsJuly 17, no eventsJuly 18, no eventsJuly 19, no eventsJuly 20, no events
July 21, no eventsJuly 22, no eventsJuly 23, no eventsJuly 24, no eventsJuly 25, no eventsJuly 26, no eventsToday, July 27, no events
July 28, no eventsJuly 29, no eventsJuly 30, no eventsJuly 31, no eventsAugust 01, no eventsAugust 02, no eventsAugust 03, no events

Upcoming Events

No events available.

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide a quality education through shared responsibility in a safe supportive environment for all students to meet the challenges of a global society.

We are “Committed to Excellence”, and we work hard to make the site a primary source for timely information for all users, and a main gateway for improved communication between parents, teachers, students and other members of our community. Our goal and responsibility is to help each student develop an enthusiasm for learning, a respect for self and others, and the skills to become a creative independent thinker and problem solver.

Has your contact or address information changed since the 1st day of school? If so, please contact us to update your information so we will be able to reach you in the event of an emergency.

Also, if your student or family is living in a temporary situation as a result of an emergency or for economic reasons, your student may qualify for additional services through the school. Please contact Michelle Chaufield at 208 624-7422

for more information.

Title One Documents

Parents and Patrons: Please review the Parent & Family Engagement Policy and Procedure for District #215. If you have any feedback for the school's Parent & Family Engagement Plan or feedback on making changes to the District's Parent & Family Engagement Policy, please let us know.

School Wide Improvement Plan
Idaho State report card
Parent and Family Engagement Policy 2420
Parent and Family Engagement Guidelines 2420P
Home and School Compact (2).docx



Contact Us:  Phone: (208) 458-4931  Fax:  (208) 458-0154 
126 W. Main  Box:267 Teton ID 83451